Later in 2019, as the District in-charge minister of Mysuru, I conducted the Dasara festival in a manner that was praised by everyone. I showed how taking the local representatives and officers into confidence can provide excellent results.
I was made the district in-charge with just 27 days left for the Dasara festival. Everyone wondered what I could achieve in such a short time. My first task was to get the Chamundi hills cleaned. This caught the attention of the people. They began to believe in me. With the blessings of Mother Chamundeshwari, the Dasara festival was held without a hitch. Praise followed.
During the floods and the tragedy of landslides in Kodagu, I kept up with the NDRF personnel in battering rain, bruising cold and winds. At the age of 70, I sometimes walked with them for long distances. The officers and personnel found moral support due to my presence. The victims of the natural calamity were provided rehabilitation in a miraculous manner.
The incredible preparations for the Dasara and the frontline efforts in rehabilitation works after the Kodagu floods remain unforgettable works in my life.