
Namma Somanna

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others What inspires me is the blessing of all classes of people.

- V Somanna

Namma Somanna

Bureaucrats praised me before the CM!

I was the Bangalore Development Minister when JH Patel was the Chief Minister. I worked day in and day out implementing various schemes. I would visit the construction sites at 6 AM and call senior officers there.

Someone had snitched JH Patel about me complaining I troubled officers. Citing some reason, I took along the then BDA Commissioner Lakshmi Venkatachala and Corporation Commissioner KP Pande to meet the Chief Minister. The Chief Secretary Bhattacharya was also present there.

I asked them to openly tell the Chief Minister if I troubled the officers. They replied that it was not the case and they had not come across a more proactive minister in their entire careers. They applauded my long-term vision and plans for Bengaluru and my working style in implementing projects. They praised me in front of the Chief Minsiter. JH Patel looked at me in astonishment.

When I was the Bangalore Development Minister, flyovers and underpasses at the KR Market, Mehkri Circle, Hebbal Circle, work on the Ring Road, Cauver IV Stage project, legalizing Revenue Sites and several other significant and far-reaching schemes were implemented. I do not claim sole credit for these. It is the result of an able Chief Minister like JH Patel and the work of several capable officers who contributed to this.

While Lakshmi Venkatachalam was the BDA chief and GKP Pande led the Corporation, JP Sharma was the Commissioner of the Water Board. Gurucharan Singh was the director of the then KEB. Such honest officers were the pride of the administration. I am glad to be able to contribute to the development of Bengaluru while working with such officers.

SM Krishna had tried to privatize the Water Board when he was the chief minister. I spoke against this move in the Assembly for over two hours. When replying to this debate, the CM Krishna tried to ridicule me by addressing me as a ‘statesman and intellectual’. I replied that I was a common man with a little common sense and privatizing of the Water Board should be stopped. Finally, he relented and the BWSSB was saved.

The Water Board’s work in developing the basic infrastructure of Bengaluru is immense. I am of the opinion that an independent body like this should remain independent and be given more powers.

I could recall the names and phone numbers of hundreds of officers at will. Whatever the problem, I would call up the concerned officer immediately. I would write letter to various departments personally. I would go on inspections to the construction spots personally early in the mornings. I would also consult retired officers when required.

Managing the metropolis of Bengaluru is not an easy task. The Bengaluru of Kempe Gowda has multiplied a thousand times. The city needs planned development. But most people are misusing it. Where are the 700 lakes that were the city’s lifeline? At least one person from each family in the State lives in Bengaluru. So, the attention paid to the city is never enough.