
Namma Somanna

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others What inspires me is the blessing of all classes of people.

- V Somanna

Namma Somanna

Harbinger of hi-tech libraries, modern swimming pools and
sophisticated stadiums...

The high-tech library, ultra-modern swimming pool and sophisticated sports stadium in Hampi Nagar are a testimony to Somanna’s foresight and commitment to development.

Dr.M.Byre Gowda recalls Somanna’s contribution:

The efforts of Somanna in the establishment of the most sophisticated library in entire Asia, located in Hampi Nagar in Bengaluru, are immense. The three-storied building houses a reference section, books section, Internet section, technical section, administrative section, officers’ chamber and the photo identity card sections. His contribution to the construction of this modern facility is invaluable. The credit of bringing the vision of the then officer of the Libraries Department, Rajendra Kumar to light, goes to Somanna.

The library in Hampi Nagar has an important section which has been named the Granthangana. A library is not a mere space to read, lend and exchange books and purchase it from publishers. Beyond that, it is a place that should develop and kindle the interest of the public in arts, culture and our heritage. When this idea was brought to the notice of Somanna, he readily agreed and the auditorium next to the library was designated as the Granthangana.

Beyond the naming ceremony, the auditorium remained devoid of any activity. It pained Rajendra Kumar. I hit upon the name for a programme; Odina Aramaneyalli Tingala Onapu (A Monthly Glamour in the Reading Palace). Rajendra Kuamar consented and we immediately contacted Somanna. He encouraged us to no end. We distributed pamphlets in the local area about the programme. YK Mudduraj, the then director of the Kannada and Culture Department and the founder of the Karnataka Sugama Sangeeta Parishat, helped us to bring popular singers Ratnamala Prakash, Malati Sharma, Indu Vishwanath, Sangeeta Katti, Kikkeri Krishnamurthy among others to entertain the public with their music. It was Somanna’s unlimited energy and unfailing dedication that made this programme possible. Till date, the Granthangana is witness to hundreds of musical programmes.
But since Somanna left for Govindarajnagar Assembly constituency, many of his dream projects, including the hi-tech library have fallen on bad tidings, rue the local residents.

Namma Somanna

Somanna’s efforts behind the digital library, says Library official Pundalik Kalliganur.

This is what he has to say:

Everyone dreams. But Somanna has special dreams. The first-ever digital library in Karnataka came to be established in Hampi Nagar, RPC Layout in Vijayanagar, Bengaluru and Somanna was responsible for it. The original idea for it came from P.Y.Rajendra Kumar, the chief officer of the Libraries Department. Somanna realised its importance and took it under his wings and got the Mahanagara Palike to release funds for it. He was the backbone of the entire project. The land selected for the library was a dump yard in Hampi Nagar. He got it cleared working day in and day out. He got an amazing building constructed there. The library came to be considered the most hi-tech in entire Asia.

Even in Govindarajnagar Constituency, Somanna was instrumental in establishing sophisticated libraries that students aspiring for Civil Services exams like KAS and IAS could utilise. He managed to reap all the benefits of the Libraries Department for the welfare of the people of his Constituency. No other part of the city can boast of such good libraries. Somanna proved that modern public libraries are the universities for common people.

Somanna has the knack of understanding the importance of any new scheme or project of every Government department. And his success lies in brining those schemes and projects to the benefit of the people of his Constituency. He manages to convince the officers of those departments or if needed, forces his way. But either way, he has the benefit of the people of his Constituency in mind.

The sophisticated swimming pool in Hampi Nagar is also a contribution of Somanna. Until then, only Jayanagar boasted of a good swimming pool. The credit for bringing that glory to Hampi Nagar goes to Somanna. He is also the pioneer who was instrumental in upgraded playgrounds to hi-tech sports stadiums.